A long-due reunion in Parichay! Weekly Recap 6th Feb- 12th Feb
  • posted by
  • ColorsTv
  • last updated on
  • February 13, 2013
  • at
  • 8:43 pm

 A day after Anand and Andy’s mock complaint about Kunal’s behaviour Siddhi gets impatient and calls up Anand to find out how things are? Just as Anand informs her that Kunal is attempting a life-threatening motor-bike stunt, the call gets disconnected leaving Siddhi tensed. She starts panicking even more after recollecting what Kunal had written in the letter. Seema calls up Raj and Veena and all of them leave to meet Kunal.

As soon as they reach the spot, Siddhi spots Kunal gearing up for the stunt. Siddhi panics and asks Kunal to stop. And he does! Kuanl, looks at horrified Siddhi with a lot of affection and tells her that she is still beautiful. Click to watch the most romantic reunion between the two

Siddhi finally comes home! Veena welcomes Siddhi after nine years with a traditional griha-pravesh and asks Siddhi to perform all the rituals that a newly married couple does and the Chopra family starts enjoying. Seema then tells everyone to get ready to go out for the movie. While Kunal and Raj are reluctant, Seema cajoles everyone and takes them out so that Kunal and Siddhi get to spend some time together.

Seema and Veena lie to everyone that they had bought the tickets but as they reveal the truth, Gaurav and Raj get furious. Back home, Kunal and Siddhi share some emotional moments where, Kunal says that Siddhi should have had some courage to confront Richa’s lie and Siddhi complains about Kunal not visiting her while she was in Jail and both start recollecting each and every turning point in their life.

Since Seema is unable to get tickets and Veena starts feeling hungry, Raj decides to take all of them to a street side food joint. Noticing tensed Gaurav, Seema tries to consol him and the family enjoys a nice dinner together. At the same time at home, Kunal shows all the gifts he had bought all these years for Siddhi.  

Next day Kunal decides to surprise Siddhi by making special breakfast for her that gets burnt. Siddhi gets worried and starts telling Anand and Andy to stop their father from cooking as he doesn’t know how to cook but the kids obey their father’s command and don’t let her step out!

When Kunal reaches his office, he is informed that he has to deal with the most important case for the firm. When Kunal reads the file, he is left shock to see Gaurav’s name. Kunal reaches home and confronts Gaurav, who reveals that he paid the hospital bills hence could not return the money. Despite Veena’s insistence to quit the job, Kunal decides to fight the case.

Veena dreams about both Kunal and Gaurav fighting over the big trouble and blaming each other. She wakes up and goes to Siddhi’s room. Siddhi blames herself for bringing bad luck to the family but Veena assures that Kunal will take care. Kunal starts investigating about the case and finds out that the company itself has been a fraud.

He returns home and tries to cheer everyone up. Siddhi and Kunal then send everyone out and sit with the case files. Siddhi tries to prove a vital point, but Kunal gets distracted and starts romancing her.

What will Kunal do? Will he quit the job to save his brother? We will update you next week!





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