5 ways in which you should support Chakor this Diwali #Udann
  • posted by
  • ColorsTv
  • last updated on
  • October 22, 2014
  • at
  • 7:43 pm

This Diwali has definitely got some good news for Chakor and brought some much needed light in her life. But there are millions of kids like Chakor who still are living in darkness of misfortune.  Let’s see how we can help Chakor and kids like her this Diwali and light up their lives with joy and happiness. 


Stop buying crackers

In India, children below the age of fourteen are not allowed to work. But according to statistics there 20 million child labourers out of which a huge percentage works in firecracker-making factories. Thousands of kids put their lives in danger to make crackers for everyone to enjoy the festivities.  We can decide to have cracker free Diwali and take a  small step forward to free all the child laborers.


Donate clothes, donate happiness

We don’t’ even think before throwing off our old clothes and go out and buy new clothes. Wouldn’t it be amazing to give away some of our clothes to the little kids down the street who probably are wearing the same clothes for days together. In festivals we make an attempt to dress up in new garments everyday, try donating clothes to the ones in need, the happy feeling will remain in your heart forever.

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Light someone’s home

Diwali, also a festival of lights, is about putting lanterns and fancy lighting in our houses. But ever thought of those who spend their nights under one bulb? This Diwali  light up that one lamp which brings happiness and joy to someone else’s life.  For that we just have to do a very small thing, save electricity so that who are in dire need of it get it and are able to enjoy an illuminated Diwali.




Serve bites of love

Yes we like to go lavish on food especially when it’s a festival or celebration. But think of those who eat once a day or may be a week. Don’t waste food. Instead share or give food to the ones who might sleep hungry this Diwali.




Make a pledge

This Diwali can be the right time to make a pledge to stand against bonded labour, child labour, child abuse and all the other social evils that serve as a hindrance to society. Because all children are equal and everyone has a right to live equal. Spread love, warmth and happiness this Diwali!

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